By Jack Tuszynski on Friday, 23 July 2021
Category: Publisher's Perspective

“Whatever you are, try to be a good one.” ~ William Thackery

The summer seems to be flying by, as Cherokee County students head back to school this month. During this season, we've been able to get out and enjoy our fine local weather, live music, festivals, and fairs. Choosing to spend quality time with our families instead of just our "spare" time is one blessing many of us have learned to appreciate more in the past year. We all learn one lesson at a time, building upon our trials and efforts, believing in ourselves in an effort to be our very best.

In spring 2013, when I had the epiphany and opportunity to begin publishing an authentic family magazine, I had a lot more time on my hands. But the funny thing was that I was starting a "family" magazine, and I didn't even have a family of my own yet. However, here in my home community of Cherokee County, I am beyond blessed to have a few families who make me feel part of theirs.

Since the early nineties, back when I was the photographer for a local newspaper (actually, each of them at some point), I'd always wanted to be part of a publication like this one. So, it happened, and we're here. I could not have done this without a great team of people (past and present), the patience and support of my friends who've stood by me, and the guidance and comfort provided by my faith in God and this community. Cherokee County is my happy place.

So, to make this magazine even better, we recently decided to print on this new paper. Feel it? It's smooth and velvety, not too mushy, and not too slick. We hope you appreciate the elevated sharpness, the easy-to-read satin finish, and the more refined and saturated colors. This is the type of magazine this Cherokee County boy has always wanted to share with his community, and I'm very proud to present it to you, beginning with the copy you now hold in your hands – issue one of volume nine. Good is good, but when better is possible – go for it.