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This Is Life

It's been 10 years since I first started getting really serious about this. "This? This what?" you may ask — this magazine, this Life. Ten years ago, Family Life Publications was just a handful of notes, a sketch of a logo, a rough draft of an employee handbook and plan. It literally all started with a prayer. When the first five employees walked i...

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  309 Hits

Some people look for a beautiful place; others make a place beautiful. - Hazrat Inayat Khan

Several years ago, I was blessed with an opportunity to visit Utila, one of the Bay Islands in the south Caribbean, for some scuba diving. I was among a small group of wide-eyed, enthusiastic dive students who had studied new skills, gotten ahead at work, and made plans at home in preparation to be away in a foreign land. No one in the group had ev...

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  331 Hits

Publisher's Perspective

Admittedly, I've found a little more hope since I quit marking up yesterday's calendar. My particular revelation is that the days simply flow better when they start fresh, clean, and new. Waking up may or may not be your favorite part of the day, but eventually we all do so — if we're inclined, and allowed, and blessed with the opportunity. Of cour...

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  366 Hits

The Lucky Season

March is upon us — the early blossoms are sprouting from their twiggy branches, and the fields are becoming greener with lush grasses and young clover. Soon, my backyard will be hopping with rabbits, and a few young deer will eventually appear. One of my simple pleasures is relaxing in a cool pad of clover, reflecting on my day, and enjoying the ex...

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  357 Hits

“Preparedness is the ultimate confidence builder.” — Vince Lombardi

Each morning, as I get ready for the day ahead, I check the forecast, review my "to-do" list, and set the day in motion with a tall glass of water, a light breakfast, and a few moments of good old fashioned reflection, soul searching, and gearing up. I would imagine most people do something similar as part of their morning routine.In the past few y...

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  364 Hits

What drives you?

Have you driven a vehicle with the type of cruise control that automatically causes you to decelerate when going down hills? During my first time utilizing this technology, the car I was driving wasn't new; in fact, it was only a couple years newer than the one I'd been driving for several years. The updated cruise control held its speed by acceler...

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  379 Hits

Christmas Presents

It's almost time for me to start wrapping Christmas presents. I'll get on that as soon as I get past the annual procrastination of actually finding gifts. I'm not totally behind, as I've a few tucked away already. But admittedly, my ever-evolving virtual list includes many lingering unpurchased gifts. So, wrapping day often ends up being a blur of ...

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  339 Hits

Publisher's Perspective

Looking back over the years, I've really begun to appreciate the fact that I grew up in a small town. There was a time that growing up in a small town may have seemed to keep me, and those with whom I interacted daily, far from the big world beyond. In our more adventurous years, during our youth and early adulthood, we often had the urge to break ...

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  336 Hits

Refiner’s Fire

Crisp fall mornings have made their way back into our lives, and the time has come for us to settle like the tree sap and slow down a little. The forests will soon be covered in the magnificent hues of our southern autumn, and the time to frolic in the leaves and enjoy fall festivals has arrived. To me, fall is a time to relax and recover from the ...

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  376 Hits

Be An Inspiration

Today would be a good day to be an inspiration. It would be a good day to guide someone through a difficult period in his/her life. Quite often, we don't need to understand the situation — we truly don't. Discover the power of empathy as a useful tool, and the strength that may manifest from it. An essential ingredient of daily life is simple kindn...

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  383 Hits

Built From the Community for the Community

 I've been reflecting on a very satisfying nine years of publishing our community magazines for you to enjoy each month. Before we opened our doors in July 2013, our plan was to deliver a publication that put your family and our community first while promoting local businesses and providing a resource to help readers schedule exciting evenings...

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  416 Hits

“A dream is not reality, but who is it to say which is which?” ~ Lewis Carroll

 Ever since I was a young boy, dreams have been interesting and intriguing to me. Seldom do I remember the ones I have while sleeping; however, on occasion, I may wake in the night to recall a dream I've just had. As early as fourth grade, my most memorable recurring dream is one of flying from the second-story balcony of a large concrete buil...

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  476 Hits

Publisher's Perspective

 Last June, I received a most memorable letter in the office mail — a letter from my father who was reaching out after many years of absence from my life. See, my father had felt it best to part ways with me and my brother many years ago in the confusion of the times. Among rumors of his declining health, I had decided to simply "let him be," ...

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  490 Hits

A Mother’s Love

Well, the "seasons of April" have passed us now. What a strange weather month that was. Now, it is time for sweet May to unfold the colorful gardens and bounty of spring. This month, we are reminded of the beauty of nature, fresh life and growth, and the importance of nurturing and caring for the young. It's obvious to me why we celebrate our mothe...

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  656 Hits

Spring Cleaning

Better late than never, right? Spring has always been filled with inspiration for me, in life and in my career. The warmer temperatures tend to lead us outdoors, and we're generally more active than in the colder months. The newness of life almost always helps generate a more youthful spirit. It's good to be able to get outside for cutting brush, w...

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  522 Hits

Brighten Someone’s Day

While driving down Highway 20 on the way to the office the other day, I was sorting through many thoughts including magazine deadlines, multiple family schedules, and a wealth of others. But my eyes were focused on the road ahead when I noticed a squirrel in the distance, patiently perched and alert between the two solid yellow lines. This squirrel...

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  494 Hits

Stars From Afar

A couple of months ago, I was enjoying one of our annual southeastern meteor showers, the Geminids, with my family under a clear winter sky. The question arose, "Why do stars twinkle?" I grasped at my words, finding fault in what I was trying to say while I was saying it (as I admittedly do sometimes). Growing up, I was told, "Think before you spea...

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  553 Hits

Sure Footing

As they learn to walk, toddlers are known to "toddle," clumsily propelling themselves forward, often on the verge of taking a spill. No one is born with all the necessary abilities and skills needed to take one step at time when learning to walk. Many of us still struggle with this concept in other areas of our lives. As we grow, we learn that bala...

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  517 Hits

Sharing Our Gifts

Each one of us is born with certain gifts and various combinations of talents that set us apart from those in our circle of friends, family, and others. As we progress through the years, our talents and gifts may change, or perhaps that which makes us special matures and gets better over time, becoming even more precious. The joy of possessing indi...

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  556 Hits

Feel Great, Be Grateful

With everything going on these days, sometimes it's easy to let blessings go unnoticed. We need to remain focused on being grateful for the little things that make our lives easier, save us a bit of time, or just bring smiles to our faces. It's good for the soul when we recognize how much sweeter life can be when we acknowledge our blessings.Little...

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  592 Hits