By Senator Brandon Beach on Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Category: Senator Brandon Beach

Strong Georgia

In the heat of the Georgia summer, many Georgians take the opportunity to visit Georgia’s coastline or spend time on a beautiful lake. There are many great natural and historical attractions in our state. As a result of the great tourism industry performance, the U.S. Travel Association and Tourism Economics said that the Georgia’s tourism industry generated $58.9 billion in business sales in 2015.

This represents a three percent increase over the previous year and a new record for the total economic impact of tourism in Georgia. The Governor’s office estimates that the tourism industry sustains an estimated 439,000 jobs across the state. The strong tourism industry in our state is a common topic in the Senate Economic Development Committee. The Georgia General Assembly will always focus on maintaining a robust state economy.

This is just one piece of the good news that comes from the great work of Georgia’s Department of Economic Development. They work hard to bring new companies to Georgia and help existing businesses to expand every day.

The middle of summer also brings a time to remember our nation’s founding as a free, self-governing society on the Fourth of July. In 1776, patriots gathered to declare that excessive taxes and harsh regulation handed down by a large, inaccessible government would no longer be tolerated. Through freedom and capitalism, the thirteen colonies chose to make their own path towards prosperity.

Through the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the United States of America ratified one of the most powerful phrases in history: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” In the years since, the freedom of our country has been tested and defended by brave men and women in our armed services.

Study committees are up next for the members of the Senate. These committees will be appointed by the Senate Committee on Assignments and the Lt. Governor’s office to study important issues for the upcoming legislative session. The list of potential study committees is published on the Senate website.

Over the course of these study committees, I will continue to advocate for the issues that matter in North Fulton and Cherokee. Thank you for the opportunity to represent the interests of Senate District 21 at the capitol.