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A Season of Service

Many of us take for granted the holiday season and all the fun and fellowship that comes with it. Christmas is a wonderful time of year to give back to your community, and repay some of the individuals who work tirelessly to make it great. It is especially important to recognize the sacrifices of our military veterans and their steadfast dedication to preserving the principles of our country.

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Getting Back on Track

One-hundred years ago, rail was by far the most efficient and modern form of transportation available to the general public. The Trans-Continental Railway united a nation in the thought that long distance travel could be fast, comfortable and affordable. Fast forward a hundred years, and our nation’s major cities are inundated with cars commuting to and from work, trucks carrying freight cross country and buses driving citizens around the city. While technology has drastically improved in the last 100 years, the riddle of easy, convenient and affordable transportation options remains unsolved. However, a possible solution may be to take a modern approach to an aging technology.

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Creating New Information Highways

Information Technology (IT) is currently one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With a greater emphasis placed on globalization and cloud-computing, IT professionals continue to become more and more of an integral part of global commerce.

Our area, in particular, is experiencing rapid growth in this industry. According to the Georgia Department of Economic Development, Georgia is home to over 17,000 technology companies, which result in a more than $113-billion-dollar impact. These businesses rely on our state-of-the-art IT infrastructure in order to meet the high demands of the modern IT industry. Additionally, Georgia is home to the fifth largest IT employment cluster in the United States, and the state houses two of the country’s largest fiber-optic trunk routes.

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The Road to Recovery

On the evening of March 30th, the fate of Atlanta’s infrastructure was compromised. The I-85 bridge had just collapsed, and no one was certain what kind of impact this would have on our city. We were given estimates of months until the bridge repairs would be complete, and we were to be faced with gridlock in all directions on our commute to work. But by May 13th, the bridge repairs were complete, and just like that — traffic was open in all directions. Remarkably, GDOT and its many partners proved those initial estimates wrong by finishing the project in just 43 days.

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It’s Time for Regional Transit Solutions

Life in metro Atlanta came to screeching halt at the end of March when a portion of I-85 collapsed. People who live in north Fulton, DeKalb and Gwinnett Counties were forced to find alternative routes to get into and out of Atlanta. The only good thing to come from this catastrophe is that people are now seeing the value in transit options and are beginning to use commute alternatives like MARTA.

Last year, I pushed hard for more transit options like expanding MARTA rail lines in Fulton and DeKalb Counties. The legislation I proposed would have allowed the people of Fulton and DeKalb Counties to approve a half-percent sales tax for investment in transit. After a clear defeat in the Senate, it was obvious that metro Atlanta wasn’t ready to invest in long-term transit solutions at the time

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Balancing Georgia's $25 Billion Budget

The Georgia General Assembly comes together every year to review and approve the state’s budget. Passing a balanced budget before the end of session is a constitutional requirement, which makes it a priority for both the Senate and House. We passed House Bill 44, the general budget for Fiscal Year 2018 (FY18), which is the largest budget in state history, sitting at almost $25 billion, in March of this year.

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Trump Will Continue Eisenhower's Legacy

President Trump’s America is one of prosperity and revival of the economic engine our country once was. Over the past few decades, our roads and bridges have fallen into disrepair. We have lost countless jobs to other countries as the government’s overreach and regulatory burdens became too much to bear. The priorities of our country’s new administration rival those of some of the greatest administrations in our nation’s history, especially that of Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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Cybersecurity: A Growing Need

When you make a purchase online, how likely are you to hesitate when asked to input your personal and credit card information? For most, you probably don’t even think twice about it, and you likely have this data saved on sites where you frequently shop, like Amazon. While this is convenient, it’s not necessarily smart. Protecting consumer data has been an issue for businesses across the country, and with companies continuing to push for online bill-pay systems and as online transactions continue to increase, the risk of an accidental or intentional data breach increases.

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Be Heart-Healthy

Did you know that heart disease is the number one killer of men and women in the United States? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), one in three deaths is caused by heart disease, claiming nearly one million lives annually. Even more shocking, heart disease and stroke cost America nearly $1 billion a day in medical costs and lost productivity. That’s one in six U.S. healthcare dollars spent on cardiovascular disease. The facts are astonishing, and while these statistics are significant, there is good news; heart disease is preventable.

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Let Freedom Ring

Happy New Year! Thank you for the great honor and privilege to serve you in elected office. I was humbled and overwhelmed to achieve another landslide re-election victory in November.  We return to the Senate on January 9th and will be sworn in for the next legislative biennial at the Georgia Capitol.

This has been an incredible experience and opportunity. I have met and been able to serve thousands of people in a variety of ways during my tenure. While some days are very challenging, my focus and drive to make a meaningful difference for families endlessly motivates me.

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Looking Forward: 2017 Legislative Session

For your state lawmakers, a new year brings motivation and a fresh perspective on the needs of Georgians. Monday, January 9, 2017 is the beginning of the first session of the 154th Georgia General Assembly, and your legislators have been preparing for months by researching potential topics and issues. There will be forty days to present, discuss and vote on legislation to be considered for signing by Governor Nathan Deal.Along with recommendations from the many study committees, we will likely be focusing on issues dealing with economic development, education, health and human services and many others that affect the daily lives of Georgia citizens.

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Remember the Reason for the Season

Now that it’s December, people all around Georgia are feeling pressure to purchase gifts for their loved ones. Christmas is a time of celebration, family time and giving. It’s a time for reflection on the year and acknowledging all that has come to pass.

Sadly, many forget the true meaning of the season, as they focus on never having or being enough: not enough presents, not enough cards, not enough time. It’s important to remember that kids may not remember the presents years from now, but they’ll always cherish the time you spent with them making cookies, decorating the tree, looking at Christmas lights and teaching them about the spirit of the season.

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Farm-to-Consumer: Georgia's New Industry

Georgia is home to a wide variety of industries, from automotive and manufacturing to farming and agribusiness. One of the great parts of Georgia, especially this time of year, is the abundance of u-pick farms, wineries and corn mazes for us to visit. These Georgia-grown attractions are not only drawing in locals, but quite a few out-of-state visitors as well.

Farming is a major industry in Georgia, resulting in nearly $73 billion in yearly revenue. In recent years, the farm-to-table trend has exploded, opening a door for farmers to create a direct farm-to-consumer market, more commonly known as agritourism. This new industry, according to a study by the University of Georgia, is worth an estimated $200 million in annual revenues and has created more than 5,000 jobs for Georgians.

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Educating Georgia

An education is the greatest tool someone can have. It sets the foundation for a life full of possibilities and fulfillment. It’s imperative that we work together to ensure our students have the opportunity to receive a top-notch public education that will set the course for future learning and success. We’re fortunate in Cherokee and North Fulton to have some of the best public schools in Georgia.

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Making Georgia the Next Silicon Valley

Nestled in the south and home to the world’s most efficient airport, the fourth largest shipping port, one of the most expansive transportation infrastructures in the nation and named the best state in the nation to do business three years running, it is no wonder companies are flocking to Georgia. Our state’s pro-business climate and favorable business tax structure are among the top reasons our state is home to over 16,000 technology companies, 20 Fortune 500 headquarters and 440 Fortune 500 companies.

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Study Committees: An In-depth Look at Some of GA’s Important Issues

Every year, between legislative sessions, the General Assembly selects several important issues to study in-depth, over several months. The result of these study committees comes in the form of a final report and can include a legislative recommendation.

This summer, I have been appointed by the Lt. Governor Casey Cagle to serve on three study committees in various capacities. First, as Chair of the Senate Venture on Capital Investments Study Committee, subject matter experts on start-up investment and angel investing will provide insight into how Georgia can best grow the next wave of great innovators. Specifically, the committee will analyze what an increase in allocation of funds to the Invest Georgia Program to fund and grow Georgia-based companies would do to this aspirational goal.

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Strong Georgia

In the heat of the Georgia summer, many Georgians take the opportunity to visit Georgia’s coastline or spend time on a beautiful lake. There are many great natural and historical attractions in our state. As a result of the great tourism industry performance, the U.S. Travel Association and Tourism Economics said that the Georgia’s tourism industry generated $58.9 billion in business sales in 2015.

This represents a three percent increase over the previous year and a new record for the total economic impact of tourism in Georgia. The Governor’s office estimates that the tourism industry sustains an estimated 439,000 jobs across the state. The strong tourism industry in our state is a common topic in the Senate Economic Development Committee. The Georgia General Assembly will always focus on maintaining a robust state economy.

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Conservative Solutions

Now that the Governor has signed legislation into law, I am proud to say that one of my bills that will reduce the bureaucratic weight of government will go into effect. Senate Bill 346, called the “Environmental Policy Act,” was introduced to make the application of state funds more efficient and cost effective. SB 346 passed with broad conservative support in both the House and Senate and was signed by the Governor on April 26, 2016.

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Positive Numbers

This year, the General Assembly was able to find common ground and pass legislation that will positively impact Georgians for years to come. We  helped to protect our military men and women and their families, supported  our growing education system, protected the sanctity of life and kept our  state on a fiscally responsible path. Our state remains one of the best  places in the nation to pursue a quality secondary education, own a business and raise a family.

The HOPE Scholarship is an incredible resource for higher education. It also acts as a powerful driver for the economic development of Georgia. House  Bill 798 updates the HOPE and Zell Miller Scholarship eligibility to better include students who didn’t graduate from an eligible high school or home  study program. To receive the scholarships, these students must meet minimum  standardized testing scores and other academic requirements.

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End of Session

The 2016 Legislative Session came to a close on March 24th with the usual celebrations and fanfare. After 40 working days, your state legislature addressed a number of issues important to the people of Georgia. The only requirement of the Georgia General Assembly is to pass a balanced budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

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