By Jack Tuszynski on Monday, 17 April 2023
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Some people look for a beautiful place; others make a place beautiful. - Hazrat Inayat Khan

Several years ago, I was blessed with an opportunity to visit Utila, one of the Bay Islands in the south Caribbean, for some scuba diving. I was among a small group of wide-eyed, enthusiastic dive students who had studied new skills, gotten ahead at work, and made plans at home in preparation to be away in a foreign land. No one in the group had ever visited Utila before, and what we found there made each of us look forward to returning someday.

The island of Utila is a melting pot of people who have come from many places globally and have decided to simplify their lives. Tourism is vital to the local economy, and recreational diving is at the core. Anything not made or grown on this island, which is about 20 square miles, must be flown in on small planes or brought by boat from the mainland. When you can access it, the internet is scarce and slow, and the showers don't stay warm for long.

Originally, the logistical challenges of acquiring basic resources such as sunscreen, shampoo, and even fresh water was something I'd seldom considered in my day-to-day life. When placed in the shoes (usually flip-flops) of the locals, I was once again comforted by the fact that some of the happiest people find joy in the simplest of things and require very little. I soon understood it was the genuine kindness of nearly everyone there that mattered most.

Cherokee County is home to some of the best cities in north Georgia. We have a robust level of tourism, and new and exciting progress is being made all the time. Our small towns are consistently growing and bustling with life and opportunities. Let's remember that the most important thing we must show our visitors is our happiness, hospitality, and willingness to help each other. Let's keep building on these simple things. Positive people attract positive people and keep them coming back for more. Let's keep making our county known for its wonderful friendly and welcoming people.