By Jack Tuszynski on Wednesday, 19 February 2020
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Softening the Edges

As the first spring of the decade approaches, there’s much to do to prepare for a new season of growth. One way to make it happen is simply to have enough faith in ourselves to do what we need to do to get it done. Getting started is a happy feeling, and getting it done makes one successful. Happiness is a state of mind, success a point of view; bliss is what happens when they coexist.

Last month, I was at a networking program where my friend, Steve Monahan, was speaking about many of the reasons he was interested in creating an inspirational TEDx event that he, along with co-organizer Mike Sena, will be bringing to Woodstock on May 15. During his speech, he was reminiscing about recent travels in Italy where he had seen a quote by the artist Michelangelo. In reference to his famed Renaissance sculpture, David, Michelangelo stated:

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”

Hearing the simple eloquence of those words and thinking about them in a deeper sense made my cheeks warm, and my face relaxed into a pleasant smile. That quote was immediately etched into my memory, and I couldn’t wait to share it.

In our own lives, this is something that we need to do every day — chip away at our hardened exteriors — the shells we were born with or may have acquired over the seasons of life. Break through the rough and gruff, past our sour rinds and dry crusts, and reveal the best within. Find your kindness, place, and purpose. Feed it, fertilize it, and make it grow. Surprise yourself; share your bliss. Inspire others by your example. May you be blessed to desire more than you can accomplish. Chisel into yourself, break your angel free, and let it fly.