By Jack Tuszynski on Monday, 22 July 2019
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Putting Yourself Out There

Being vulnerable often puts us in a position to become a better version of ourselves. That uncomfortable feeling that we get in the pit of our stomach that makes us wonder “Why this?” “Why me?” or “Why now?” can be very unsettling, yet it prepares us to discover a direction that we may have overlooked. If we choose not to stick complacently to our usual ways, we can push ourselves to a higher level.Six years ago, when issue one of volume one of each of Family Life Publications’ three titles was delivered, I admit that I was incredulously less than pleased. Although having decades of experience in the field and knowledge of each facet of the job, I had jumped into something much bigger than I ever had before. I had made the first step, and it was as though I’d leaped onto a wet, unstable, moss-covered stone at a river crossing — I slipped, but I didn’t fail.

Putting myself into that mix made me nervous and scared, but it thrilled me to the core with excitement, too. In my mind, I knew there was a very good chance of losing it all, but I knew in my heart that the possibility of gaining anything was impossible without taking a chance for myself and my team.

What we learn from vulnerability and by being provoked to make the next move is that when we reach the other side of whatever our personal obstacle is — win, lose, or tie — we end up stronger and smarter from the process of that experience. Being human isn’t always rainbows, unicorns, and sea salt caramel gelato. It’s heartbreak, tribulation, and defeat that becomes fodder in which we thrive, grow, and excel above our preconceived notion of ourselves. We become the person we soon learn in our heart we were always intended to be.

Get out there and put yourself in an uncomfortable place. Hike higher, run faster, think deeper, and love stronger! You’re worth it.