By Jack Tuszynski on Thursday, 19 May 2022
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Publisher's Perspective

 Last June, I received a most memorable letter in the office mail — a letter from my father who was reaching out after many years of absence from my life. See, my father had felt it best to part ways with me and my brother many years ago in the confusion of the times.

Among rumors of his declining health, I had decided to simply "let him be," discontinue my vain attempts to contact him and, out of respect, let him enjoy his final years as he wished. So, receiving a well written, succinct, and heartfelt letter in the mail just a week after Father's Day was quite a surprise. My dad was alive and well.

In April 2021, Dad moved back to Hickory Flat where he and Mother had raised me and my brother, Victor, until our teen years. After settling into his new home, he started reading the local magazine that appeared each month in the mail. Imagine his surprise when he read this column and saw a somewhat familiar face in the signature below! The scattered pieces of the past began to come together again, as only our Father in Heaven could align. The fact is, I had already forgiven Dad for his decisions and had no burden upon me to that regard, but to receive letters from him and actually be able to enjoy my father as my dad again was truly uplifting. The slate had been cleaned.

Two years ago this month, I married my wife, Vicky. I am proud and blessed to be a co-father to a pair of really great teenagers, Molly and James. It is refreshing to have another grand-gentleman to share these times with, too. Life is particularly interesting when one realizes that it's best we have no control over the circumstances of God's plans (Jeremiah 29:11). Let it be. That's the kind of stuff that keeps me smiling.

It is now my time to enjoy with our kids baseball games and horse shows, camping and hiking, and homework struggles and school achievements. Having spent my years building my career, I've come to realize that having kids is the ultimate job in life. I want to be most successful at being a good father – just like my dad.