By Senator Brandon Beach on Thursday, 20 November 2014
Category: Senator Brandon Beach

Happy Holidays!

The cold weather is here, melodies of holiday music are faintly beginning to play in the background while grocery shopping, and we are nearing the end of another great year of living and thriving not only in Cherokee County but also throughout our state.

We are fortunate to live in a county with a high quality of life; our children receive valuable educations from esteemed teachers, we feel safe, and our economic climate is continuing to thrive. However, around this time of year, it is important to sit back and realize what really makes our community so special.

For me, it's spending time with my son and daughter while they are home from college and enjoying the limited time we get as a family. It's taking the extra time to give back to our community that we all love and contribute to each and every day. It's about sitting back and really thinking, "What is important?" Most of us will spend the holidays in warm homes, eating copious amounts of food and laughing with loved ones. For some, the holidays are a memory of a difficult time; the loss of a loved one or the reminder of a lost job.

During this holiday season, I challenge you to count your blessings, help someone in need, be a true neighbor and appreciate time spent with family. We have a lot to be thankful for living in Cherokee County, so really reflect on all you have without the fastidious pace of your professional life interfering in your holiday cheer.

After all, January is right around the corner; we all know the work will be waiting for us when we return, especially at the Gold Dome. I thank you all for entrusting me to represent you for another legislative session. From my family to yours, I hope you have a safe and happy holidays!