By Jack Tuszynski on Thursday, 22 August 2019
Category: Publisher's Perspective

Forever Young

About this time last year, I did what some might consider a little silly, or for lack of a better description, a “midlife crisis” thing: I bought a motorcycle. Ruby was an impulse purchase, as I’d never driven a road bike before. I’d only ridden on one once or twice. We’ve had our differences from time to time, as I learned to work through the gears, accelerate as desired, safely navigate back roads, and pass through the occasional sudden storm. After spending many hours of quality time together, we both ride smoother with an occasional pulse quickening burst when appropriate.“Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like children before the great mystery into which we were born.” – Albert Einstein

If Ruby is considered a midlife crisis purchase, then so be it. I’m happy to be halfway to a hundred this month. Security in maturity perhaps. On the road, all the little worries don’t seem to matter as much. Your closeness and personal involvement with what is within your reach and that which is imperative are what rises to the top of your thoughts.

“Age isn’t the act of losing our youth but a new chapter of strength and opportunity.” – Anne Friedan

The difference between aging and youth is that it becomes easier to say “yes” and even more simple to find the courage to say “no.” Often, you actually want to go to bed early, stay home, and sometimes miss the party. Social approval no longer drives you, and self-approval takes the handlebars. You can wear the crazy clothes, speak your mind, and be a little more eccentric. You simply embrace who you are, and in turn, gain respect from the inner you and from those whom you choose to surround yourself with.

My favorite part of getting older is the capacity to love more people genuinely and to be genuinely loved more. The best we can do is to positively embrace what comes along with the hopeful spirit of a child. Never put an expiration date on your dreams and keep an eye out for blessings. My wish for you is to stay forever young, be gentle with yourself, and fill your days with life and laughter.