By Senator Brandon Beach on Monday, 20 February 2017
Category: Senator Brandon Beach

Cybersecurity: A Growing Need

When you make a purchase online, how likely are you to hesitate when asked to input your personal and credit card information? For most, you probably don’t even think twice about it, and you likely have this data saved on sites where you frequently shop, like Amazon. While this is convenient, it’s not necessarily smart. Protecting consumer data has been an issue for businesses across the country, and with companies continuing to push for online bill-pay systems and as online transactions continue to increase, the risk of an accidental or intentional data breach increases.

Most of the systems and servers used by companies today utilize only a single firewall, which works to block threats coming into and going out of the network. This worked well in the past when eighty percent of cyber traffic was outside the network. However, today, a lot of server- and data-center traffic is internal, being transported inside the network and inside the firewall, from co-worker to co-worker. This may not seem important, but this is how most network breaches occur.

For example, say you’re at work, and you email a co-worker a link to a story you read on Facebook. That co-worker can receive the email, open the link and see the post with little-to-no problems. This is because the server recognizes your email as a “trusted” source. However, the problem with this type of security is it doesn’t block potentially threatening links from “trusted” sources because there is only one firewall that works to block threats coming from the outside. The link you sent your co-worker could lead to a website that contains a virus and can inadvertently put your company’s network and servers at risk for a breach.

The need for cybersecurity in Georgia, and across the country, is growing. Criminals are getting smarter by the day, and we need professionals working in this industry to protect us and our personal information. The need for cybersecurity experts is evident, but the jobs and workforce to fill them haven’t been, until now. Governor Nathan Deal recently announced the allocation of $50 million for the construction of the new Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center in Augusta. This new, modernized center will position Georgia as the leader of cybersecurity in the southeast.

This training center is a huge step in the right direction for Georgians. Not only will it create new jobs in the cybersecurity industry, it will provide training towards the defense of our cyber infrastructure. The center is designed to promote the modernization of Georgia’s cybersecurity initiatives. This center is a tremendous endeavor and will help cement Georgia as the Silicon Valley of the south.

Criminals are clever and can often breach a system and obtain your information before anyone notices. I commend Governor Deal for addressing this need, and I will support every endeavor that ensures your information is secure and safe.