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Who Is My Neighbor?

"Who is my neighbor?" Many have asked themselves this question, but in today's volatile setting, we may be asking it with the wrong motives. Do you remember the story of the good Samaritan? It started with a lawyer asking Jesus a question about life and being reminded to "love your neighbor as yourself." Then, the lawyer asks a follow-up question: "Who is my neighbor?" Lawyers need to clarify, parse, and define with detail and precision under the law.  

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The Rearview Mirror

Have you ever noticed that the windshield of your car is very large compared to the rearview mirror? Car manufacturers expect you to spend most of your driving time focused on where you are going, not where you have been. However, a rearview mirror is included to give us an opportunity to see the roadway over which we have traveled. As I glance into the rearview mirror, I recognize important landmarks for myself and the professional police officers of the Holly Springs Police Department.The first landmark in my rearview mirror is becoming the Chief of Police. Was I nervous and a little apprehensive? You bet I was. But the footing is sure, and I am reminded to be brave. With this assurance, I can face the challenges of tomorrow with confidence because others have stood with me and given me strength. 

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