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Zoning and Variance Requests

One of the more complex issues local government has to deal with is zoning decisions. Whenever a controversial case comes up, people often ask, “Why would you even allow them to apply for that?” or “Why don’t you just tell them, ‘no?’”

The answer is simple. Under the law in Georgia, as with most states, a property owner has the right to ask for a variance, rezoning, etc. for their property. Everyone gets their day in court, so to speak. That concept is as old as zoning itself.

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Johns Creek’s Award Winning Schools

As we are well under way with the new school year, I want to take the opportunity to thank our school administrators, educators, staff and parents for all their hard work and dedication throughout each year to provide the best educational and extracurricular opportunities possible for our students.

The schools that serve Johns Creek are not only consistently known as some of the best in the state, they’re also routinely recognized for excellence on a national level. I’m well aware that this is no small feat.

One of the top reasons families and businesses choose to relocate to Johns Creek are the schools, and as we prepare to celebrate the 10th anniversary as an incorporated city, I’m more encouraged than ever about the future based in large part from what I hear and see from the young people in our community.

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August 2016

Some days, sitting in my office, it can be hard to concentrate on one of the many items on my task list. As my fellow employees would truthfully tell you, I may, at times, get completely off task altogether. There seems to be an abundance of “squirrels” in the life of Jack, so I find myself deferring to the needs of my trusty dog, Riley, for a reason to step out, enjoy the outdoors and reset in order to move forward. Supposedly, that puts me in the same category as an out-of-date computer in need of an upgrade or one that has too much information spinning across the drive.

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“How Can I Help,” You Ask?

When the Beatles recorded “With a Little Help from My Friends” for their 1967 Sgt. Pepper’s album, it is doubtful that they were talking about government service. Yet, half a century later, that very expression characterizes public safety in Woodstock and throughout Cherokee County.

Our community has been recognized as being a safe one numerous times over the last several years. Indeed, the hardworking women and men of Cherokee County’s public safety team are on task 24/7 to keep the peace and promote safety. But many of the public safety successes we all enjoy would not be possible without the contributions of our residents, visitors and stakeholders. They’re a critical part of the public safety equation, and it’s only with their support and cooperation that the quality of life in our communities continues to improve. None of us is as strong as all of us.

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Billboard Update

As you drive around our city, I’m sure you’ve taken notice of new billboards beginning to pop up.  As a matter of history, this issue predates Johns Creek as an incorporated city. Originally, a number of billboard companies applied to Fulton County for 75 billboard sign permits, and each were denied. The companies then began the process of suing Fulton County for the right to erect billboards. Johns Creek joined the lawsuit after it was incorporated in 2006. The lawsuit was resolved by the Georgia Supreme Court in 2011, with the finding that the Fulton County sign ordinance was unconstitutional, and that the billboard companies were entitled to erect up to 75 billboards, including 31 billboards at 27 locations within Johns Creek.

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March Forward

March is here, and my favorite season is about to burst forth with all the splendor of spring’s abundance of life. I hope everyone had a great vacation and enjoyed time with their families, had some time to reflect on their goals for the year, or I hope you were at least able to share in the joy of making memories with a friend during a time of departure from their daily routine.

Now we are ready to march forward. Spring is a battle cry that we simply cannot ignore. Everything changes from the ground up during the wonderful season of spring. We made plans in January, laid the groundwork last month, and now the time has come for us to take root and grow so that we make positive changes for ourselves.

  1868 Hits

Our Gifts are Meant to be Shared

Each one of us is born with certain gifts and various combinations of talents that set us apart from those in our circle of friends, family and others around us.  Our talents and gifts may change as we progress through the years, or perhaps, that which makes us special matures and gets better over time, becoming even more precious. The joy of having our individual gifts, no matter what they are, is the fact that we have the ability to share them with others.

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Holiday Fire Safety

Fire safety is especially important around the holidays. It’s during this time that we do many things differently.

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10-year Recreation and Parks Strategic Plan

I’m excited about the proposed, 10-year Recreation and Parks strategic plan, which was recently presented to the City Council for review and discussion, and I want to take this opportunity to provide a quick update.

The Johns Creek city staff and its hired consultant have identified and prioritized the next ten years of proposed investment in our recreation and parks amenities.

The next step is to review and discuss the plan during a future Council work session, and then hold another public hearing before taking a final vote on it.

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Blessings Always Count

Sometimes, I have to admit that blessings go unaccounted for in my life and may go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle. Even if for a short time they do, I am usually reminded of how wonderful it is that even the smallest of blessings can be used as a daily reminder to be thankful. It’s about the little things, little things that add up to greater things. Just the other day, I was picking up laundry to do a load of darks; my arms were full, and I was fumbling around trying to keep from dropping socks. Then, there on the floor was the last piece, a burgundy towel, and it was large enough to hold everything together. That may sound like just a coincidence to some, but to me, it was a tiny reminder of how good life really is, one moment at a time.

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Woodstock’s New Amphitheater Breaks Ground!

On Saturday, September 12, 2015, the City of Woodstock officially broke ground on the new amphitheater project in Downtown Woodstock.

Woodstock Mayor, Donnie Henriques, said, “This project has been long discussed, and I’m pleased that we’re moving forward with this addition to our city.”  “Construction will take about nine months to a year to complete,” said City Manager, Jeffrey S. Moon. The new amphitheater will feature tiered grass seating for 5000-6000, restrooms, retaining walls and a band shell with a green room. It’ll be used for outdoor concerts, dramas and other activities. “We’ve designed it in such a way that it’ll also be a very usable park on a daily basis,” Moon added.

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Balanced FY 2016 Budget: Public Safety, Traffic Congestion Relief and Park Improvements

After considerable discussion, community input and refinement, the Johns Creek City Council approved the Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Operating Budget of $60.4 million with a unanimous vote.  The City Council also committed more than 75 percent of its estimated $54 million in reserves.

I am pleased with the efforts of the City Council and staff to work together to deliver Johns Creek’s 10th consecutive balanced budget, which will fund traffic congestion relief, public safety improvements, park enhancements and community-based planning for the future. This budget incorporates significant improvements to our budget process and addresses the community’s desire for a clearer picture of city expenditures.

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Refiner’s Fire

Crisp fall mornings have made their way back into our lives, and the time has come for us to settle like the tree sap, and slow down a little. The forests will soon be covered in the magnificent hues of our southern autumn, and the time to frolic in the leaves and enjoy fall festivals has arrived. To me, fall is a time to relax and recover from the busier days of spring and summer. It is a time for a sort of inner renewal, not like the aesthetic, external rebirth of spring, but more of an internal reflection or evaluation of who we are at our root level.

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Woodstock Ranked in Top 50 Best Places to Live in America

Recently, Money Magazine named Woodstock as one of the “50 Best Places to Live” in the United States of America for 2015. Woodstock was the only city in Georgia to be included on their list this year. This was the first time that Woodstock was chosen for this honor.

It was nice to be selected and recognized by a national publication. To be honest though, I can’t tell you that we set out with the goal in mind of being selected for this list. We have tried to focus on an “all of the above” approach for implementing the mayor and council’s vision for the future of Woodstock. From creating a vibrant downtown, to improving the number and variety of recreational opportunities, and providing quality public safety and planning for first-class neighborhoods, the focus of elected officials and staff has been on accomplishing this shared vision.

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Road Projects: Improving Your Commute

Johns Creek sits at a crossroads between major highway and interstate arteries. We are surrounded by significant growth that increases pressure on our roads’ capacities. We recently allocated $3.18 million to fund an additional eight traffic improvement projects to the Fiscal Year 2015 list of 19 previously approved and ongoing projects.

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September 2015

The word “respect” has really been popping up a lot lately in the media, conversation and even at church recently, which, of course, means I’ve been pondering the term some in relation to this. As it seems, the demand for respect has started becoming more prevalent, yet the actions that I would deem respectable in their own right, seem a little less so. Then I really got to thinking; maybe I’ve been looking too hard.

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Welcome, Brantley Day, New Community Development Director

As City Manager, it is my pleasure to announce the recent hiring of our new Community Development Director for the City of Woodstock, Mr. Brantley Day. Mr. Day is filling the position vacated by Jessica Guinn, who left to become the Assistant City Manager for the City of Dunwoody. Brantley’s first day on the job was August 17th.  We are excited about the professionalism, project management experience and expertise he brings to our community.

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Wanted, More Parks in Johns Creek

We are at a critical crossroads for our parks system and need your help. Parks in Johns Creek are not just a nice feature to have in our community; our parks and recreational programs are an essential part of the high quality of life, which makes our exceptional city a desirable place to live and raise a family.

To guide the improvements and expansion of our parks system over the next 10 years, we’ve hired a consulting team to help us create a master plan.

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One Nation...

If you’re reading this right now, you are probably aware that there is a quite a bit going on within our country today. Since I’m not one to go on about bad stuff, hop on the rhetoric wagon or throw folks under the bus, there really isn’t any need to list specifics. On occasion, I admit that I might slip up, take a side or voice an opinion based on how the past has formed my view of a particular, random event or happening in the world around me. It happens. It’s life.

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Back to School … Safely!

For most of us, the back-to-school season brings the constant shuffling of papers, carpools, heavy backpacks, and hectic schedules. While getting back into the swing of things, remember to safely share the roads with school buses, pedestrians, and bicyclists, and be sure to reinforce with children the necessary knowledge to keep them safe throughout the school year.

Twenty years ago, young children, ages 5 to 9, were more at risk than any other age group under 19 for being struck by a vehicle while walking. Thankfully, the death rate for kids of all ages in this category has declined more than 50 percent since 1995. But the news is not all good.

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