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Continued Progress

The first quarter of our transformational calendar year is in the books, and the City Council and City staff are eager to engage with you as planning and actions on our strategic goals are either underway, on the horizon or in need of additional input.

I was very pleased that several residents have attended our various Town Hall meetings and Public Information meetings. We will continue to do our best to address questions and ensure continued transparency.

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The Lucky Season

March is upon us; the early blossoms are sprouting from their twiggy branches, and the fields are greening with lush grasses and young clover. Soon, my backyard will be hopping with rabbits, and a few young deer will eventually appear and provide quick sprints of joy for my dog, Riley, each time she steps out for a walk. One of my simple pleasures is relaxing in a cool pad of clover, reflecting on my day and enjoying the new evening sun after a day on Main Street. After a few years of running my fingers through many hundreds of clusters of clover in my yard, I have resigned myself that there are none of the four-leaf variety taking up residence there. Truth be known, I feel lucky even in their absence, which has me generally questioning this whole “luck” thing.

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Highlights from the Mayor's State of the City Address

2016 continued to build on the successes we have had as a city over the past decade. Our downtown continues to be recognized as a model across the state of Georgia and the southeast. We continue to be recognized as a great place to “live, work and play.”

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February 2017

Each morning as I am getting ready for the day ahead, I’ll check the forecast, review my “to-do” list (a mindful catalogue of items that will help me along my way) and set the day in motion with a tall glass of water, a light breakfast and a few moments of good ol’ fashioned reflection, soul searching and gearing up. I would imagine most of us do something similar as part of our morning routine.

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Join Team C.O.W. in 2017’s March of Dimes March for Babies

February is the month of love. So, this month in Woodstock, City staff members are hard at work putting together a team for Cherokee County’s annual March of Dimes’ March for Babies event taking place on April 28th, at 7:00pm, at Etowah River Park in Canton. It is our hope that Woodstock pours its love into this worthy cause by joining the team, Team City of Woodstock (Team C.O.W.).

The 2017 team captains are Sgt. George Williams with the Fire Department, Patti Behrend with the Police Department and Venis Ponce with the Community Development Department. Together, they are looking for residents, businesses, families, friends, visitors and staff to join Team C.O.W.

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Moving Forward in John's Creek

While 2016 concentrated on planning and long-term goals, we are now excited to begin implementing those plans in 2017. Here are some highlights of what we can look forward to.

With your overwhelming vote, a Parks Bond was passed to enhance and begin the first phases of parks construction. With the Fulton County passage of the Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (TSPLOST), we will begin road improvements that will prioritize the mitigation traffic congestion. These two steps will transform Johns Creek and improve our quality of life while maintaining outstanding residential character.

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Milton Celebrates 10 Years!

I hope you and your family are off to a wonderful start to 2017.

The end of 2016 was certainly an exciting time in Milton, as we officially celebrated our ten-year anniversary on Dec. 1, 2016. We believe 2017 will be equally exciting, as we celebrate this defining decade in Milton’s history with the grand opening of the new Milton City Hall, located in the downtown Crabapple district. Our community outreach and engagement department has many ten-year festivities planned throughout 2017. Visit our website for complete details on our calendar of events (

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It’s 2017! Resolve to Explore Woodstock’s Wonderful Parks!

If your New Year’s resolution is to get off the couch, lose weight or explore, Woodstock has a lot to offer to assist you with your goals.

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December 2016

As they learn to walk, toddlers are known to “toddle,” clumsily propelling themselves forward, often on the verge of taking a spill. No one is born with all the necessary abilities and skills needed to take one step at time when learning to walk. Many of us still struggle with this concept in other areas of our lives. As we grow, we learn that balance is key, not only for walking, but for many of life’s obstacles. Over time, we come to understand that there will be challenges placed before us, and in the long run, it is our responsibility to muster the drive to overcome them.

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The Patriot Flight

The first Patriot Flight was founded in 2016 by the Roswell Rotary. The Patriot Flight brought our first responders — fire, police and EMS, to visit the 9/11 Memorial in New York City. Thank you to all who helped along the way, from sponsors to volunteers. The trip was an overwhelming success and will be replicated by others.

First responders from Roswell and surrounding communities were honored with an all-expense paid trip to the memorial site. Their visit demonstrated sincere thanks to these brave men and women who serve the community every day, keeping our citizens safe and healthy.

Modeled after the successful Honor Air Program, which takes thousands of American veterans to visit historical and war memorial sites in the nation’s capital, the Patriot Flight was set up to recognize and thank our present-day first responders.

The day began with a police escort from Roswell to the Atlanta Airport and another escort from the LaGuardia Airport to lower Manhattan by the New York City Police Department (NYPD). The plane received a “water salute” and wet down from the Atlanta Fire Department. Once in New York City, the first responders were taken up the Freedom Tower for a VIP tour of the 9/11 Memorial. They met fellow first responders from New York City, including members of the New York City Fire Department and members of the New York City and Port Authority Police. Lunch was held at Suspenders, which is owned by a former NYC firefighter, and it was a triage location during 9/11/01. Following the museum, the group met at O’Hara’s and toasted to those who lost their lives and those who continue to serve. First responders brought patches from their department to proudly place on the wall with others from across the nation.

The Roswell community participated in the event, as well, with an early morning “hero’s send-off” and then a “welcome back” celebration at Roswell Area Park upon their return.

The Patriot Flight was organized by the Roswell Rotary, its president, Jeff McCoy and myself. As a fourth-generation firefighter, this was a dream come true. I was so proud to help lead this effort and to bring along my father, Bill Albers, who served as a firefighter and chief. For more information about the Patriot Flight, visit the

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Christmas Tree Safety Tips

As you deck the halls this holiday season, be smart about potential fire hazards! A small fire that spreads to a Christmas tree can quickly become large and out-of-control.

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What Does a State Representative Do?

As a Georgia State Representative, one is presented with the opportunity to do many things. The bill I carried that added strangulation to the aggravated assault statute has saved many lives in Georgia. By carrying meaningful legislation, one can have a tremendous impact on the lives of fellow Georgians.

Georgia has a part-time citizen legislature, which means that all representatives and senators, if not retired, have “day jobs.” There are many different occupations within the Legislature: farmers, dentists, insurance agents, lawyers, business owners, physician assistants and teachers, just to name a few. This variety of perspectives, expertise and skill sets makes for a diverse group that brings a wealth of information to the issues coming before the Legislature.

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Celebrating the City of Milton!

The City of Milton officially incorporated on December 1, 2006; it’s hard to believe we’re celebrating a decade. They say, “time flies when you’re having fun,” and it’s certainly been an incredible ten years! We have so much to be proud of; yet, there’s so much more we can accomplish by working together.

Celebrating our residents and our accomplishments will be a key focus this month and during the new year. Milton is rich in its heritage and tradition, so it’s no surprise that we’ll celebrate our anniversary with several cherished annual events and a few unique celebrations.

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Someone to be Thankful for

There are many people who I’m proud of that I have never even met. It’s good to feel that way, and it works. To find the best in people who you admire from afar is a wonderful quality in our society, especially as it stands today. All too often, we may become overwhelmed with the negativity that is so pervasive that we fail to realize that our focus has wavered from the greater good that exists in so much of our surroundings, in people, our community and our lives.

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Come Thank Our Veterans and Celebrate Our New Amphitheater!

The month of November is a time of giving thanks. It is also a time to recognize and remember our veterans on Veterans’ Day.

This November is also a time to celebrate the grand opening of downtown Woodstock’s new music amphitheater. As a way to show our gratitude to our servicemen and servicewomen, Woodstock will host a candlelight vigil, and then, the grand opening of the amphitheater will serve as a salute to our veterans.

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Traffic and Parks and Rec: We have a Plan for That

The Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax or TSPLOST will be on November’s ballot for your consideration. TSPLOST is designed to provide a funding mechanism to accelerate much needed congestion relief and other transportation-related projects.

While traffic is consistently the number one issue residents have raised over the years, the need for more parks and recreation opportunities has remained a close second, and we intend to provide another option to address this issue through a proposed parks bond, which you’ll also see on November’s election ballot.

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October 2016

Recently, I have started waking up before my alarm goes off in the morning. Now, this used to happen from time-to-time; however, I now find myself staying up and getting started on the tasks of the day. Being blessed with more time early in the waking day allows me the opportunity to get through my “to-dos” as well as more time to enjoy doing less obligatory items that may exist or cross my path. It has been brought to my attention that I appear to stretch myself a little thin, so I’ve promised to work on that by better prioritizing my tasks.

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City of Woodstock's Kidfest: Putting the Fun Back in Halloween!

Eleven years ago, the downtown merchants in the city of Woodstock decided to host a trick-or-treating event in the City Park. Their goal was to provide a safe and secure Halloween alternative to door-to-door trick-or-treating. What started out as a quaint and casual evening has blossomed into one of the Woodstock’s most favorite parties of the year … KidsFest!

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Sometimes a Little Does Go a Long Way

One of the more obvious challenges facing people in the metro Atlanta area is traffic. Traffic congestion can be the most draining aspect of any trip around Fulton County, even on a Saturday afternoon. But something as small as three-quarters of a penny can make an incredible difference in our quality of life.

On November 8th, there will be a question asking for three-quarters of a penny for transportation issues in both north and south Fulton County. This does not include the Atlanta downtown area, as they have a separate question for their ballots. This transportation money will be spent on bridges, roads and congestion relief for the citizens, and the money collected will be divided among all the communities in north and south Fulton Counties. This means that everyone will have some type of transportation projects taking place in their town to improve the quality of life for all of us in the metro Atlanta area.

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September 2016

Inspire someone. Help someone grow. Help them rise above a period in their life whether or not you understand their situation. Discover the power of empathy as an incredible resource and the strength that may manifest from it. An essential ingredient of our daily life is kindness, and it needs to show in all of our actions if we truly want to succeed. It’s imperative to know that becoming an inspiration is our way of paying it forward because making any one person’s life better improves the overall wellness of society. Be that beacon of light for someone who may be struggling in darkness, if only to afford them the opportunity to see a glimmering flash. For in that, they may find hope.

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