By Senator Brandon Beach on Monday, 20 November 2017
Category: Senator Brandon Beach

A Season of Service

Many of us take for granted the holiday season and all the fun and fellowship that comes with it. Christmas is a wonderful time of year to give back to your community, and repay some of the individuals who work tirelessly to make it great. It is especially important to recognize the sacrifices of our military veterans and their steadfast dedication to preserving the principles of our country.

Unfortunately, veterans often face many challenges upon returning from their deployment. Some find it difficult to find employment, while others struggle to find adequate housing or face any number of daily difficulties. These brave men and women deserve better, and there is plenty you can do in your community to make a difference in the life of a service member. It could be something as simple as giving them a ride to a doctor appointment or sponsoring a companion animal for those returning with PTSD. If you know of someone who is on a current deployment, take the time to write them a letter, or send them a care package to let them know you’re thinking of them.

If you are able, organizations like the Wounded Warrior Project and United Service Organizations (USO) rely on donations to get resources to service members in need. These organizations are vital to so many of our nation’s veterans. However, perhaps
the most important thing you can do for our veterans is something that everyone is capable of: saying “thank you.”

As you and your family gather around the table this Christmas, remember those who do not have the opportunity to be with theirs. Remember to give back to your community, and help your neighbors in need. By donating your time or skills to one of the many service organizations dedicated to veterans or anyone in need, you are embracing the true meaning of the season.