By Jack Tuszynski on Friday, 19 March 2021
Category: Publisher's Perspective

A Perspective on Opinion

As a hobbyist and small-time collector of modest-sized antiques and items of character, I have realized that some of my most cherished things were popular during either the generation before mine, or, quite often, my own youth. From where I sit as I write this, some items in view include my second Slinky (each of us who had a metal one knows what happened to the first), a handmade wooden truck, and some tiny license plates from travels with my grandparents. So yes, the AARP and I have concluded that I'm over 50 and, thus, an antique.

For the past few years, I've had a minor issue with my health that I have kept to myself, for the most part. So fortunately for me, my wife also likes old, seasoned items. She married me last summer, so she has a thing for fixer-uppers with some "character." I'm also blessed that she's a registered nurse. So, I'm like a classic car with a mechanic on site.

To circle back to my point about my health, it didn't take long for my wife to conclude that I have been seeking help either in the wrong places or not at all. She made it clear that even though there are many good-hearted people, opinions are like noses, and most everyone has one. Try asking for specialist recommendations on Facebook if you have doubts; you'll receive more options than a bilingual sushi menu! So, instead of one new doctor, I now have three. No worries — just some mechanics. I needed some extra direction to get back to feeling my age, rather than that of my parents. The good Lord willing, I've many years left to enjoy.

For each of us, there comes a time to ditch our former ways, follow our hearts, and pray for a more beneficial option. With a second opinion, you get another choice, another viewpoint, an additional perspective. Don't let pride or plain ignorance stand in the way of health, security, or your future. Listen to those who care about you. Seek what is best even in the worst of times.

Like the disciples in a boat on a raging sea (John 6:16-21), you may, too, be surprised when help comes walking across the waves to find you paddling your boat in vain, lost in the storm. Listen to your heart, and let him in. It's time to accept a new direction and discover that safety and peace are waiting on yonder shore.