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Woodstock Local Interests




Woodstock Sophomore Elected to Georgia Junior Classical League

Nic Franco, a sophomore at Woodstock High School (WHS), has been elected as a State officer for the Georgia Junior Classical League. He was elected during the League's Fall Forum, which is the first major Latin competition of the year and was attended by students from 30 Georgia schools. As State Convention Host, Nic will hold a State officer's position for the 2014-15 school year, will be required to attend and host all officers' meetings, and will be the host of the State Convention for 2015.

Also during the Fall Forum, out of hundreds of students taking exams, WHS sophomore Kevin Chong placed third in the Latin 2 grammar exam and fourth in the Latin 2 Roman History exam. At these events, Latin students compete in creative, athletic and academic contests as individuals and to earn school recognition, and attend informational and fun workshops to further their knowledge of the Classical world.

WHS Latin teacher Kellie Jo Mason serves as the school's Latin Club, Junior Classical League, and National Latin Honor Society sponsor. "I am so excited about the growing enthusiasm and energy I'm seeing in our Latin Club every year and am proud of how far our students have come in the few short years I have been here," she said. "I am honored to have brought state and national recognition to WHS through the growth and success of the Latin program. It is truly great to be a Latin Wolverine!"