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RRHS Graduate Wins CCSNA Scholarship

The Cherokee County School Nutrition Association (CCSNA) has awarded the 2014 Judy Johnson Memorial Scholarship to Josilyn Elliott, a 2014 graduate of River Ridge High School (RRHS).

The Judy Johnson Memorial Scholarship began in 2010 in memory of Judy Johnson, School Nutrition department secretary. The Cherokee County School Nutrition Association works during the year to raise the $500 for the scholarship. Additional contributions to the scholarship fund have raised the amount of the award this year to $1,000. The scholarship is awarded to a child or grandchild of a CCSNA member who has shown strong academic performance and a record of community service.

Josilyn is the daughter of Hasty Elementary School Fine Arts Academy Cafeteria Assistant Manager Hollie Elliott and the late Alan Elliott. While at RRHS, Josilyn was a member of the French Club and Crusading Knights, participated in track and basketball, and worked 20-25 hours per week. She was also active in the Leadership Academy and Habitat for Humanity.

Josilyn plans to use the $1,000 scholarship to attend Darton State College to pursue an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification.