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Woodstock Local Interests




Woodstock’s Market Street Receives Improvements

The Woodstock Downtown Development Authority (DDA) recently completed an artificial turf project along Market Street in downtown Woodstock. Market vendors and shoppers have been asking for improvements to this area for several years, and the turf will improve the experience at events along the street, especially for vendors and shoppers at Woodstock’s Farm. Fresh. Market.

Completed in 2013, the street was designed to host events throughout the year. The resulting pedestrian and vehicular traffic make maintenance of grass and landscaping difficult. The turf
project was installed in the landscape areas where vendors frequently set up during events
and has historically been a dirt surface.

“With additional investments by Woodstock Arts and the city itself, the Market and Elm district will continue to be a place where our community can gather. We continue to look at incremental investments the DDA can participate in throughout the whole of downtown,” said Brian Stockton, executive director of the DDA.