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Woodstock Local Interests




Woodstock Mayor Announces $350K for Upgraded Crosswalks and Lighting

Following the September accident and death of three pedestrians in downtown Woodstock, the Woodstock City Council and Mayor Donnie Henriques indicated that $350,000 would soon go toward more crosswalks and devices to make crosswalks more visible around downtown.

City Manager Jeff Moon said the City plans to add crosswalks, red lights and sidewalks to the heavily traveled intersection of Arnold Mill and Hubbard Road. Moon also said the City is looking to construct a pedestrian bridge/crosswalk at the intersection once Morgan Ace Hardware redevelops in the future, adding that the crossing could tie into the parking deck that is anticipated for downtown Woodstock if the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax for the county is approved Nov. 7.

City Council Member David Potts added, The installation of the improved crosswalks and crossing signals in downtown Woodstock will hopefully improve pedestrian safety in the downtown district. With the increasing popularity of the Main Street corridor, pedestrians need to be aware of their surroundings and cross only at designated areas and times. Everyone seems to love the look and feel of the downtown area, and we all want it to be a safe place to visit.