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Woodstock Local Interests




Woodstock Lions Club To Celebrate 60 Years of Service

The Woodstock Lions Club will celebrate the 60th anniversary of its founding on October 24. Woodstock Mayor Donnie Henriques has issued a proclamation naming this milestone anniversary date as “Woodstock Lions Club Day.”

The Club will hold a reception in Woodstock Library’s community room on October 23 from 2:00-4:00pm as a thank you to Woodstock citizens for their support. Refreshments will be served, and vision screenings will be available during those hours. A donation box will also be available at the door for guests who wish to donate used eyeglasses. All friends, volunteers, and citizens of Woodstock are invited.

Since its founding on October 24, 1961, the Woodstock Lions Club has held countless pancake breakfasts and spaghetti or steak dinners; has sold innumerable brooms, mops, and bags of pecans; and has provided American flags to Woodstock businesses on federal holidays. Such community fundraisers have enabled the club to support Lions organizations such as the Lions Camp, Leader Dog, the Lighthouse, and Learning Ally, as well as provide vision screenings, high school scholarships, and help for individuals in need of eyeglasses, eye exams, and eye surgeries.

The Club has collected warm coats, food supplies for local food pantries, socks for homeless veterans, and used eyeglasses that the Lions Club Lighthouse distributes around the world. During the pandemic, the Club distributed approximately 6,000 boxes of fresh produce to Woodstock residents through the Farmers to Family Project. Volunteers from the community and the support of Woodstock residents have made these and other projects possible.