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Woodstock Local Interests




Public Engagement Set for Safe Streets Program

Cherokee County, along with the cities of Ball Ground, Canton, Holly Springs, and Woodstock, has begun the development of a Safety Action Plan in an effort to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on Cherokee County’s roadways.

The plan is supported by the federal Safe Streets and Roads for All grant program, administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT). The Cherokee County Board of Commissioners approved a design services agreement with Pond & Company to prepare the action plan.

Built on robust data analysis and public input, the plan will outline strategies for the county, cities, and key partners to work together to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries on the roadways throughout Cherokee County.

A community survey is open at for community members to share their insights to help shape the plan. A map activity also is available on the website, allowing stakeholders to denote where they would like to see roadway safety improvements. The survey and map will remain open through the end of August.

In addition to the survey and map activity options, comments can be shared directly with the Safety Action Plan Project Team via the plan website or by contacting Community Development Agency Director Brantley Day at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The USDOT’s Safe Streets and Roads for All program includes grant funding for both planning and implementation projects. Action Plan grants assist communities that do not currently have a roadway safety plan in place to reduce roadway fatalities by laying the groundwork for a comprehensive set of actions. Implementation grants provide funding for communities to enact strategies and projects that will reduce or eliminate transportation-related fatalities and serious injuries.

The Safety Action Plan will be developed through three major project phases. Public meetings will be held later this year coinciding with the completion of Phase 1: Data Collection and Existing Conditions Assessment (anticipated in August 2024) and Phase 2: Develop Action Plan (anticipated in November 2024). The final phase, Phase 3: Plan and Adopt, is expected to be completed in April 2025. Interim planning documents will be posted to the project website to keep the community informed of the process.