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Woodstock Local Interests




Laurel Canyon Optimist Club Donate 12 Laptops to the Goshen Valley Boys Ranch

Bob and Cheri Colby of Soleil Charities donated half of the laptops along with the Optimist Club

Goshen Valley is committed to creating environments of safety, love and stability for youth in foster care. With the ongoing need of foster families in Georgia, Goshen Valley meets that need with a family-based model of care for children, youth and young adults. They partner with leaders in the community to help shape the lives of the youth they serve.

The Goshen Valley Foundation was established in 1998 when the Blend family to donated their ranch property to care for foster children. Through the leadership of founder John Blend, in 2001, the Goshen Valley Boys Ranch was created to care for young men in foster care. Over the past sixteen years, Goshen Valley has expanded and now has three programs: Goshen Valley Boys Ranch, Goshen New Beginnings and Goshen Homes. Each program has a unique focus and ministry to foster children in Georgia.