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Woodstock Local Interests




Knights of Columbus Makes Generous Donation to Cherokee Day Training Center

The Knights of Columbus Woodstock Council 11768 delivered a check for $10,500 to Heather Dailey, executive director of Cherokee Day Training Center. The money was raised through the Knights Tootsie Roll Drive.

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization founded in 1882, which raises awareness for needy causes, generates much-needed funds, and contributes countless volunteer hours to support a variety of charitable activities to benefit humanity.

Cherokee Day Training Center meets the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities in Cherokee County and surrounding areas through two campuses, providing a combination of employment and community access services as well as specialized medical supplies. It is the mission of Cherokee Day Training Center to enhance the quality of life available to each individual receiving support by providing those employment and training supports necessary for achieving increased independence, personal development, social connections, and optimal health and safety.