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Woodstock Local Interests




Johnston Elementary Wins Chambers Recycling Competition

The Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce Going Green & Education Committees, in partnership with Waste Management, co-sponsored a two-day Plastic Bag Recycling Competition for 12 of Cherokee Countys elementary schools. During the competition, the elementary schools collected over 167,000 plastic bags.

Johnston Elementary collected a total of 22,408 bags, for an average of 38.57 bags per student.

Through a grant from Waste Management, the Chamber funded this elementary school recycling initiative. The grant was used to purchase a bench for the winning school (made from recycled plastics), along with an attached plaque, which recognizes the school as the winner of the 2019 Recycling Competition.

The mission of the Chambers Going Green initiative is to encourage the community to implement green practices that conserve community resources while helping businesses thrive. To learn more about the initiative, or to download a recycling guide, please visit or call 770-345-0400.