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Woodstock Local Interests




History Cherokee Launches Black History Committee

History Cherokee recently launched a new committee dedicated to the collection, preservation, and interpretation of Black history in Cherokee County. The goal is to collect personal accounts, images, and artifacts that tell stories about Black people in our area from the earliest settlement to today.

“The history of Black people is often overlooked,” said Harvee White, History Cherokee’s education manager. “When it comes to collection and preservation, elements of Black history get disregarded by the institutions that decide whose history gets saved and whose doesn’t, and we want to do our part in changing that in Cherokee County.”

History Cherokee has already made exciting headway on this commitment. Currently, staff members are working with a Georgia film crew and local civil rights activists to create a documentary on the integration of the former Canton Theatre. Visitors will find this documentary at the Cherokee County History Center when it opens this summer.

To join History Cherokee’s Black History Committee, contact Harvee White at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..