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Woodstock Local Interests




Greenprints Alliance Announces Premier Energy Partnership

Greenprints Alliance has established a 10-year Foundation Funding Partnership with Premier Energy. The Foundation Funding will allow Greenprints Alliance to hire an executive director and begin marketing and soliciting public and private funding to help complete the award-winning Greenprints Master Plan, an extensive study commissioned by the Woodstock City Council in 2006. Upon completion, the Greenprints Master Plan will provide a network of multi-use trails, mountain bike trails, connections to public parks, alternative transit along 60-plus miles in and around Woodstock, and will connect area neighborhoods and public parks.

"Across the nation, cities are promoting healthy lifestyles through public access to parks and trails, while also stimulating economic development," said Randy Davis, president/CEO of Premier Energy. "The Greenprints Master Plan of trails is a great example of what can happen when public and private sectors work together. My business partner, Skip Noll, and I selected Woodstock as the international headquarters for our business and our homes because of the healthy, walkable lifestyle. We are thrilled to see this visionary project come to life. The completed trail segments are transforming Woodstock and connecting people with nature. Our Foundation Partnership will help build the structural organization needed to guide the completion of the Master Plan."

The completed trails, along with upcoming funded trail segments, will soon be home to outdoor recreational groups, trail programming, and community themed events and festivals.

"Randy and Skip are among the early believers who want to help the Greenprints Master Plan of trails begin to transform Woodstock," said Greenprints Alliance Board of Directors Chair David Potts. "This partnership will hopefully inspire other private corporate and individual donors, both new and returning, because while state and federal grants may be available, communities often struggle to come up with the required local match, and that is where our private sector partners, such as Premier Energy, can make the pivotal difference in making these trails happen."

This Foundation Partnership joins previous funding totaling more than $5.5 million, received from the Cherokee County Parks Bond, the City of Woodstock, WellStar Health System, and numerous individual private donations, all to support the realization of the Greenprints Master Plan.