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Woodstock Local Interests




Georgia Foundation for Agriculture Offers Scholarships

The Georgia Foundation for Agriculture is offering $70,000 in scholarships to Georgia students pursuing a degree in agriculture, veterinary medicine, family and consumer sciences, or a related field.

Visit for a list of eligible majors/schools for all available scholarships, applications, and instructions to apply. All applications must be submitted online by March 1, 2023. Transcripts and letters of recommendation must be submitted online with the application. Scholarship recipients will be announced in the spring.

Additionally, Cherokee County Farm Bureau will award two Cheyenne Heard College Scholarships of $1,000 each to two seniors in Cherokee County who are pursuing a degree in agriculture. Each student who applies will receive a check for $50. Please email Shirley Pahl at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about these scholarships.