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Foundation Seeks Donations for Land Purchase for New Childrens Park

Remember Georgia's Children Foundation, a 501(3)(c) organization, is seeking donations to help fund the purchase of land for a new Children's Park of Georgia, to be located in Canton. The unique park will be a special place to celebrate the lives of all children, offering areas for natural play and quiet meditation along with opportunities to engrave children's names along the sidewalks and monuments. The Children's Park of Georgia will provide a place for children to play, explore and discover, as well as provide a place for parents to celebrate the lives of children present and lost.

The park is being modeled after The Children's Park in Tyler, Texas. Christy Zeigler, executive director of Remember Georgia's Children Foundation, estimates the total cost of the project at $1 million, including approximately $90,800 for the land. The organization is working on purchasing land for the park that is located at Highway 20 near Butterworth Road. Donations through the grassroots fundraising initiative will be accepted through January 31, with the hopes of breaking ground in February. For more information, visit