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Woodstock Local Interests




Congrats to Cherokee County School District’s 2023 Valedictorians and Salutatorians!


• Valedictorian Braden Reece Flournoy will attend Georgia Tech to study computer science and plans to work in computer devices and artificial intelligence.

• Salutatorian Riley Oliver will attend Georgia Tech to study computer science and plans to work in programming or hardware development.



• Valedictorian Kylie Buchanan will attend the University of Alabama to study science and business.

• Salutatorian Carson Heath will attend Georgia Tech to study mechanical engineering and plans to work as a biomechanical engineer focused on designing prosthetics.



• Valedictorian Gracye Lamb will attend Georgia Tech to study aerospace engineering.

• Salutatorian Ty Phillips will attend the University of Georgia to study biology and then plans to apply to medical school.


i-Grad Virtual Academy

• Valedictorian Jackson Wesley Deas plans to enter the workforce.

• Salutatorian Elijah J. Jordan will attend Chattahoochee Technical College to study electrical engineering.


River Ridge 

• Co-Valedictorian Sofia Guadalupe de Lira will attend Notre Dame University to study political science and prelaw.

• Co-Valedictorian Emily Anna Paulson will attend the University of Georgia to study economics.

• Salutatorian Karla Monserrat Cortes will attend Yale University to study ethics, politics, and economics.



• Valedictorian Julia Allene Sick will attend the University of Alabama to study accounting.

• Salutatorian Paige Lee Falcomata will attend the University of Alabama to study accounting and statistics.



• Valedictorian Casen Stiber will spend a gap year teaching in El Salvador, after which he will attend the University of Georgia to study pure mathematics and philosophy. After college, he plans to serve in the Peace Corps and then teach and conduct math research.

• Salutatorian Salman Aziz will attend Georgia Tech to study neuroscience and then plans to apply to medical school.