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Woodstock Local Interests




Cherokee County Sets New Millage Rate

Following three public hearings, the Cherokee Board of Commissioners set the total 2024 millage rate, which provides funding for eight of the 36 Sheriff’s Office vacancies, 13 firefighters and a fourth Fire & Emergency Services battalion chief, and unfunded state mandates for elections, public safety technology previously paid for with grant funds, and expanded services for the recycling center.

The Board set the Maintenance and Operations millage rate at 5.153 mills, the Fire rate at 2.888 mills, and the Parks Bond rate at 0.270 mills. The approval also includes adopting the Board of Education approved millage rates of 16.45 for School Maintenance and Operations and 1.5 mills for the School Bond.

The total tax change for a home valued at $487,500 with a standard $5,000 homestead exemption is $52.44 for the year. Homestead properties that have accumulated additional homestead exemption savings via the floating homestead exemption will see a lesser financial impact. The floating homestead exemption applies to the county M&O rate.

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