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Cherokee County School District Announcements

Woodstock HS Senior Places in National Career Skills Competition
Madeline Ambery earned fifth place in the U.S. Technology Student Association (TSA) national competition held this past summer in Texas. She earned the national honor in the communications technology – children’s stories category, which followed her first place Georgia TSA statewide competition win in the same category. Her entry for the competition was a STEM focused children’s book entitled, The Adventures of Hopper and the Evil Space Cat, which she wrote, illustrated, and produced.

35 Educators Recognized as Instructional Technology Experts
Thirty-five teachers and staff have been named to the 2022-23 class of Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (MIEE). The technology company selected only 830 educators, support staff, and school and school district leaders nationwide, considered among the best at understanding how technology can improve learning, for this elite recognition. CCSD leads the way with the most MIEE of any Georgia school district. Experts receive access to new instructional resources and an exclusive online network for sharing best practices.

In addition to being named an Expert, CCSD Instructional Technology Specialist Merry Hofmeister (for the second consecutive year) also is one of only 33 educators in the U.S. and four in Georgia to be named a Microsoft Innovative Educator Fellow. This recognition honors demonstrated leadership and excellence by MIEE through coaching, mentoring, leading professional development, and presenting at conferences. Fellows, considered by their peers as the best among all Experts at technology integration, are called upon to share their knowledge with other educators.

School Board Meets New Student Delegates
A student advisor position has been included on the School Board since 1999, and for the past 11 years a student delegate from each high school has also been selected. These outstanding seniors serve for one year to give input and feedback to the Board and to the superintendent and his senior staff. The advisor role, which includes the opportunity to sit on the dais with the Board, is rotated among the district’s high schools.

Etowah HS Celebrates Latest Class of AP Capstone Graduates
AP Capstone is a two-year project-based learning program designed to help students develop critical thinking, research, collaboration, and presentation skills that are crucial to academic success. The elite program, which was developed by the College Board in partnership with colleges and universities, is offered in select high schools nationwide, with Etowah graduating its first class in 2019.

Only 14,100 students nationwide earned the AP Capstone Diploma, and 9,200 earned the AP Seminar and Research Certificate. Instead of a single end-of-year exam, the interdisciplinary AP Seminar and AP Research courses assess students’ knowledge mastery through group projects, presentations, and individual essays throughout the year.

In 2022, 13 Etowah graduates completed the AP Capstone diploma: Kelsey Cleveland, Ella Daugherty, Lillian Derenthal, Jolina Dorgan, Zachary Griffin, Christopher Haswell, Lily Hovenac, Danielle LaDuca, Ivy McKinney, Alyssa Pearson, Amelia Ryan, Claire Williams, and Anna Zharikov. Four graduates received the AP Seminar and Research Certificate: Joshua Hughes, Kiersten James, Laurel O’Brien, and Reese Patterson.

Cherokee HS Student Completes Air Force JROTC Flight Academy
Cherokee HS senior and Air Force JROTC Cadet Col. Lexi Ly completed the Air Force JROTC Flight Academy with “flying colors,” according to instructors. Through the summer program at the University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida, Ly earned her private pilot’s certificate, continuing her path toward becoming a military pilot. She also earned one of the fastest oral exam times in the program’s history. The Flight Academy is an eight-week summer program designed for Air Force JROTC cadets to improve the recruitment, retention, and diversity of the Air Force and aviation industry.