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Woodstock Local Interests




Cherokee County Receives National Award

The Cherokee County Development Services Center (DSC) has been recognized with an Achievement Award from the National Association of Counties (NACo). The award honors innovative, effective county government programs that strengthen services for residents.

NACo recognized the DSCs Tenant Occupancy Permit Process Improvement Programs effort to streamline the process for commercial business license issuance to eliminate customer confusion. The outcome of the DSCs revamped process provides customers with a clear understanding of project status, which also shares real-time notifications when a project has been approved.

Our new procedure has improved relationships with our prospective business owners, enhanced communication among the departments involved, and added to the countys bottom line. We have reduced the amount of time to get a license approved, which saves both time and money for our customers. I am extremely proud of our staff for their ingenuity and hard work in streamlining this issue, said Cherokee County Community Development Agency Director Geoff Morton.