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Woodstock Local Interests




Cherokee County Launches 2023 Comprehensive Plan Update

During a recent Board of Commissioners meeting, Cherokee County kicked off the 2023 Comprehensive Plan Update. Updated every five years, the plan highlights intended land uses over a 20-year period and is a guiding document for county planners and leaders, as well as property owners and developers.

“The 2023 Comprehensive Plan was named ‘Our Cherokee,’ because it’s important to have involvement from the county as a whole: residents, business owners, elected officials, and those doing business in the county” said Kevin Turner, deputy director of Cherokee County’s Planning Department. The process begins with an online survey at The survey will remain open until November 18.

A series of in-person public input meetings are taking place, with two more meetings this month:
• Waleska area, November 3, 6:00-7:30pm, Waleska Fire Station Community Room, 9080 Fincher Road, Waleska
• Free Home area, November 10, 6:00-7:30pm, Free Home Fire Station Community Room, 9253 Freehome Highway, Canton