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CEO Bikes 9,000 Miles Across the U.S. To Raise Awareness

Every 11 seconds, a senior citizen is treated in the emergency room for a fall, with treatment costs averaging $30,000. More than 80% of those falls happen in the bathroom.

To help change these scary statistics, Jeff Salter, founder and CEO of Caring Senior Service, a national in-home, nonmedical care provider committed to improving the lives of seniors, has embarked on a national bike ride to raise awareness and funds to prevent falls.

Salter is biking 9,000 miles cross-country on an electric bike to shine a spotlight on underserved seniors and raise funds to prevent falls, which are the leading cause of fatal injury for seniors.

As he visits all 45 Caring Senior Service locations during his four-month bike ride, Salter will launch the company’s “Close the Gap in Senior Care” movement, which focuses on fall prevention through the “Grab the Bars” campaign to raise funds for installing grab bars, which help prevent falls in the homes of seniors who may not have the means or ability to install them.

To donate to the campaign, please visit To learn more about the Close the Gap in Senior Care movement, please visit