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Woodstock Local Interests




CCWSA Announces “Then and Now” Student Photography Contest Winner

Cherokee County Water and Sewerage Authority (CCWSA) is pleased to announce that Thomas Smith of Holly Springs ES is the winner of its student photography contest. The theme of this year’s contest was “Then and Now.” Students were asked to find an old photograph that contains a waterway, mill, dam, dock, or fish weir in Cherokee County along with a current photograph of the same location.

Smith found a 1963 photo of Fields Landing and took a current photo.

“Fields Landing is part of Lake Allatoona and the Etowah River. Lake Allatoona was and is used for fishing, hydroelectric generation, and flood control. It is also one of the most visited Corps of Engineers projects in the United States. Lake Allatoona was completed in 1949, and Fields Landing was named after the Fields family farm. I caught my first fish at Fields Landing in 2017,” said Smith.

Smith received a framed copy of his winning photo and a check for $50.