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Woodstock Local Interests




4-Hers Participate in Farm to Fork Day


Cherokee County 4-Hers participated in Farm to Fork day at Buckeye Creek Farm in Woodstock. Cherokee County Farm Bureau and Liz Porter, owner of Buckeye Creek, made this fun-filled day possible for 4-Hers.

The day started with 4-Hers making their own smoothies with fruit from the farm. Later, 4-Hers took a garden tour to learn about some of Georgias top agricultural commodities, diseases and pests that can impact crops. They also learned that agriculture is the largest industry in the U.S.

Water quality was also factored into the days lessons. 4-Hers explored the stream and pond and were able to collect macro-invertebrates with dip nets, such as dragonfly and damselfly nymphs. Students also conducted water quality experiments to determine that the stream and pond were healthy sources of water.

They closed out the day by making strawberry preserves to take home and share with their families.