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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswell Gymnasts Commit to Division I Schools

Local gymnasts Caroline Williams and Lauren Rutherford have been awarded full athletic gymnastics scholarships after honing their craft in the City of Roswells gymnastics program since the age of two.

Sixteen-year-old Williams, a junior at Centennial High School, is currently a level-10 gymnast, the highest level prior to the elite/Olympic level. She was offered full athletic gymnastics scholarships to the University of Arkansas, Utah State, Brigham Young University (BYU), and the University of Nebraska, as well as a walk on position at the University of Georgia. Williams accepted the scholarship to University of Nebraska in October 2018 and will begin classes there in fall 2020.

Fifteen-year-old Rutherford, a sophomore at Johnson Ferry Christian School, is also a level-10 gymnast. She has been actively recruited by numerous Division 1 colleges and was offered full athletic gymnastics scholarships to BYU, Utah State, and North Carolina State. Rutherford has chosen North Carolina State and will begin attending in fall 2021.

Williams and Rutherfords achievements are a testament to the hard work and leadership of their coaches, Lorenzo Wyatt, Karla Monterroso, J.P. Monterroso, Julia Yurkina, and Olga Yurkina. Roswell Gymnastics Program Director Cindy Furman praises the young athletes triumphs.

Only 3 percent of athletes obtain this level, and we are most proud to have had both Caroline and Lauren, who have trained solely at Roswell for their entire career, reach this level of achievement, said Furman.