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North Fulton Local Interests




Northview Teacher Gets Back to School and Back in Shape

All it took was one look at the photo of herself holding her Teacher of the Year Award to convince 37-year-old Jordan Kohanim she needed to make a change. Exhausted from working two jobs as a teacher and debate coach at Northview High School, most nights, Jordan would find herself crashing on the couch buzzing with stress. Mortified with how unhealthy she looked, Jordan turned to her father for advice.

Jordans father told her about the fifteen-minute rule: Go to the gym, and work out for fifteen minutes. If you still feel like not working out, go home. Youre not allowed to beat yourself up about it. You tried; you werent feeling it; try again tomorrow.

So, Jordan tried out the fifteen-minute rule. Soon, her workouts went from once or twice a week to five days a week. Nowadays, Jordan works out six days a week, greeting her workout buddies, who she affectionately calls the Dawn Patrol, as the doors open at Onelife Fitness every morning.

Eighteen months later, thanks to her newfound love of fitness, Jordan got her life back, lost 65 pounds, and now has more energy and time for her students and loved ones.