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Johns Creek HS Excels at Bright Spark Invention Challenge

Johns Creek HS had two major wins at the recent Bright Spark Invention Challenge competition.

Junior Adi Bora won Best Overall High for his Independence 1000. He created his invention to help a fellow schoolmate with cerebral palsy to exercise his hand muscles, so he will be able to one day operate a motorized wheelchair. The Independence 1000, which is a portable device with a gamified joystick, strengthens fine motor skills while collecting data for the therapy field.

Additionally, a team of five seniors created a prototype called the Life Protector, a device designed to help prevent hot car deaths in children and pets.

Sagar Patel, Tyler Watson, Daniel Cooper, Ben Kleiner, and Thomas Tostenson researched models on the market and based their design on cost and accessibility. The Life Protector serves as a temperature sensor to trigger an alarm when a cars interior exceeds 102 degrees. Their plan is for future models to send a phone call to an emergency contact.

Bright Spark is the education arm of design consulting firm Bridge Innovate. The Invention Challenge is a 30-day competition for students in fourth grade through college. Entrants are challenged to create a new service or product that solves an existing problem.