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Independence Alumna Ceramics Artist, Heather Knight, Connects with Ceramics Students


Recently, IHS ceramics students gathered around a large new Recordex screen to say good morning to Asheville, North Carolina ceramics artist, Heather Knight. A few weeks prior, Independence High School art teacher, Mr. J. Chase Campbell, had taught his ceramics class about Knights work, which he had seen while visiting Ashevilles Woolworth Walk artist market. When he asked the students if he should contact the internationally known artist to request an artist talk, they said, Why not? The worst she could say is no. She said yes.

The students loved the fact that Knight graduated from IHS. Junior, Lazalde, said, What she shared about finding her purpose meant so much more because she once sat where we now sit. Knight described how she started her business and how she kept up with the growing demands of her collectors and buyers, which currently includes 40 art galleries. She answered questions about the creative process and the techniques she employs to make her unique, nature-inspired, porcelain clay sculptures.

You can learn more about Heather Knight by visiting the website: