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North Fulton Local Interests




Fultons 2016 College and Career Ready Performance Index

The Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) released 2016 results for the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI).

The CCRPI is Georgias statewide accountability system that replaced the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) measurement after the U.S. Department of Education granted Georgias waiver from NCLB in 2012. CCRPI measures schools and school districts on a 100-point scale, helping parents and the public to better understand how schools are performing in a more comprehensive manner than the pass/fail system previously in place under AYP.

For 2016, Fulton Countys overall score of 74.7 is higher than the state score of 73.6, with most schools scoring above the state average. Fultons high school average saw an increase of 7.4 points 3.4 points higher than the state score from the previous year. Although Fultons elementary average dropped slightly from the previous year, the elementary average is 0.5 points higher than the state score. The Fulton middle school score fell 1.3 points below the state average.

Two schools scored over 100 points due to extra points given for exceeding the bar Lake Windward Elementary and Northview High School with scores of 100.4 and 101.2, respectively. Nearly half (44) of Fultons schools have scores of 80 and above: 25 elementary schools, 10 middle schools and nine high schools.

Seven schools also had double-digit gains from the previous year Riverwood International Charter School (+23.4), Milton High School (+22.5), Cambridge High School (+17.5), Northwestern Middle School (+14.3), Seaborn Lee Elementary School (+14.1), Chattahoochee High School (+12.7) and Liberty Point Elementary School (+10.7).

Through CCRPIs measurement, a school and districts overall score is made up of three major areas: achievement (50 points possible), progress (40 points possible) and achievement gap (10 points possible). In Fulton County, the 2016 CCRPI scores averaged as 74.7 for the entire district, 73.3 for elementary schools, 70.8 for middle schools and 79.5 for high schools. By comparison, the state averages were 72.8 for elementary schools, 72.1 for middle schools and 76.1 for high schools.