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North Fulton Local Interests




Fulton County School System Names Top Employees of 2017

Allison Kerley of Barnwell Elementary School was announced as Fulton County Schools Teacher of the Year while Dr. Ritu Ahuja of Northwood Elementary School was announced as the districts Principal of the Year. Rebecca Myers of Holcomb Bridge Middle School is the School Professional of the Year, and Yolander Heard of the Administrative Center is the Support Professional of the Year.

Special recognition banners and other gifts of appreciation were presented to the honorees by their principal or supervisor. Superintendent Jeff Rose, Deputy Superintendent of Academics Rob Anderson, school board members Julia Bernath and Katha Stuart joined in for the surprise as well as family members and other special guests.

The announcements were the result of the school systems efforts to recognize exceptional employees who contribute to the success and mission of the school system. Each year, every school and administrative support building is invited to nominate outstanding employees based on teacher, staff and parent input. These employees are then evaluated a second time through an application/essay review and interview, and one finalist is announced from each of Fultons geographic Learning Communities central, northeast, northwest and south. The Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year nominees also undergo a school visit to demonstrate their leadership and classroom skills.