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North Fulton Local Interests




Fulton County School System Honors Meredith Tongue as 2016 Teacher of the Year

Meredith Tongue, an eighth-grade social studies teacher at Elkins Pointe Middle School, has a strong belief system that guides her teaching the belief that all students should be an equal partner in their own education.

I believe that establishing personal relationships with students is as important as teaching them the content. I believe that all students deserve respect, love and compassion, regardless of their behavior and attitude toward school, Tongue says. I believe that the kids who need love the most ask for it in the most unloving ways. I think if all educators were to reframe their thinking about kids and the behaviors they exhibit as cries for help, we would be able to reach more at-risk students.

Tongue also believes in creating a challenge for students in her classroom, while also providing them a safe place to fall and pick themselves up if they dont succeed the first time.

If you set expectations high, students will rise to the occasion, no matter what level the class is. Students need to be pushed outside of their comfort zone, in small incremental steps, to help them realize their own potential, she says. Its important to show them that its OK to fail its what you learn from it that is important.

Principal Kindra Smith says that Tongue, who has been nominated as her schools Teacher of the Year five times in the past five years, is the consummate professional and an excellent example for other educators.

Mrs. Tongue is an amazing teacher, leader and role model. She exemplifies the true spirit of being a teacher and she works hard to ensure that every day her work empowers students to be successful, says Smith. In all of the years that I have served as a school leader, I have never seen teaching and learning delivered in such a highly engaged and deliberate manner, like I have in Mrs. Tongues class. When I am in her classroom, I dont want to leave!