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North Fulton Local Interests




Amana Academy 3rd Graders Collaborate with Atlanta Audubon Society

Third-graders at Amana Academy, a Fulton County Schools charter school, recently put their classroom work to the test by collaborating with the Atlanta Audubon Society. They worked together to learn about declining populations of the brown-headed nuthatch, a species of bird found almost exclusively in the southeastern United States.

Students researched the nuthatch in technology classes, learned about environmental factors affecting the birds natural habitat in science, and using the engineering design process, the students developed plans for birdhouses that could be installed in and around Alpharetta.

Students also composed persuasive letters that were presented to Terry Porter, Environmental Programs coordinator with the City of Alpharetta, to advocate for the installation of the birdhouses in parks throughout the city. They even staged a fundraising campaign to collect enough money to purchase supplies for 35 nuthatch houses, ten of which will be installed in Alpharettas Wills Park.