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North Fulton Local Interests




Trust for Public Land Partners with Johns Creek in Acquisition of 133-Acre Park


The Trust for Public Land is contributing $1.5 million towards the $20.3 million purchase price of 133 acres of park land on the Chattahoochee River at Cauley Creek.

Additionally, the City is partnering with the Trust for Public Land for professional services related to the acquisition, which includes a professionally administered public opinion survey and feasibility research on funding options for park development.

In November, the City authorized Mayor Bodker to execute a $20.3 million purchase agreement for the land, which includes a dormant water reclamation plant. While specific plans for the development of the park are yet to be determined, the public will have opportunities to share their vision for the future park.

The property is located in the eastern half of the city, adjacent to the Rogers Bridge Trail and the proposed Rogers Bridge connection to Duluth. The property fronts Bell Road and has nearly 2,000 feet of frontage along the Chattahoochee River. To the west, the property is bordered by Cauley Creek and to the east by the Rogers Bridge Trail.

The proposed park ties in with a 2010 purchase of 44 acres on the Chattahoochee River and directly adjacent to the Rogers Bridge Trail by the Trust for Public land that was sold to National Park Service in 2011.