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North Fulton Local Interests




Trevors Toes and Tushies - Little Helpers Collect for Less Fortunate

Not all superheroes can leap over tall buildings or see through walls, but some pint-size cape crusaders showed how anyone can be a superhero by performing kind deeds.

A child may appear well dressed on the outside but lack clean socks and underwear. Family volunteer group Little Helpers recently tried to fill a gap left by regular clothing drives. Members collected 350 new pairs of socks and 350 new pairs of underwear for Simple Needs GA, Inc., as part of the groups annual Trevors Toes and Tushies Socks and Underwear Drive.

Simple Needs GA, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to meeting the basic needs of children, people experiencing homelessness, and others while inspiring the community to do the same.

The drive was held in honor of special Little Helpers member Trevor George, who passed away from sudden unexplained death in childhood (SUDC) in August 2014 at the age of six. Trevor came to every community service project with a smile on his face, a sparkle in his eye, and a desire to make others happy. Members wore superhero outfits and mismatched socks, which were Trevors trademarks, to make the delivery to Simple Needs GA, Inc. They also rolled up their sleeves and worked in the donation center sorting items, making blankets, and decorating cards.