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North Fulton Local Interests




SOARD Delivers Fun Play Therapy Room Makeovers to Summit Counseling Center

Sunshine on a Ranney Day (SOARD) recently unveiled its makeover projects for the Summit Counseling Center.

We love working with other organizations who focus on helping give hope and healing to children, said Holly Ranney, executive director of SOARD. This project will help the Summit expand their capacity to help children in our community to receive counseling services.

This expansion project will give Summit the capacity to serve over 600 children in our community through 5,000+ hours of play therapy each year, said David M. Smith, executive director of the Summit.

Childrens Mental Health by the Numbers
-1 in 5 children (17.1M) in the U.S. have a mental health disorder.
-50% of disorders begin before age 14.
-If left untreated, these mental health disorders may have a marked effect on students ability to learn and function in the school environment.
-75% of social phobia manifests by age 15.
-75% of separation anxiety disorder manifests by age 10.
-75% of oppositional defiant disorder manifests by age 14.
-75% of ADHD manifests by age 8.

Sunshine on a Ranney Day (SOARD) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit approved organization based in Atlanta, Georgia that was founded in 2012 by Peter and Holly Ranney. The vision of Sunshine on a Ranney Day is to renovate spaces for children with special needs and restore hope for families.