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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswells Transportation Department Receives APWA Accreditation


The City of Roswells Department of Transportation (RDOT) has been awarded accreditation by the American Public Works Association (APWA). RDOT is one of only 109 agencies in North America to receive this distinction and the third agency in Georgia, joining Covington and Fulton County.

The APWA Accreditation program recognizes public works agencies that go above and beyond the requirements of nationally established public works management practices. RDOTs two-year accreditation process culminated in February 2016, when the APWA sent a team of public works professionals from Oregon, Iowa and Missouri to complete a thorough evaluation of RDOTs operations during a multi-day site visit.

RDOT oversees all facets of traffic and transportation in the City of Roswell. Their responsibilities include planning, design, engineering, implementation and maintenance of projects to improve safety, connectivity and mobility within the City. RDOT also maintains the signs, signals and pavement markings, performs road resurfacing, sidewalk connectivity, bridge maintenance and general repair of the existing infrastructure.