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North Fulton Local Interests




Roswell Rain Gardens Offer Innovative Solution to Water Pollution

The City of Roswell celebrated the completion of its new rain gardens project, designed to improve the water quality of Crossville Creek, which runs through Roswell Area Park.

The City of Roswell targeted areas within Roswell Area Park because many of the park's impervious areas (parking lots) drain directly into Crossville Creek. The creek is included on the Federal Clean Water Act's list of impaired waterways in Georgia for fecal coliform bacteria. "When we found out Crossville Creek was impaired, we knew we had to come up with a way to protect that waterway from further damage," said Alice Champagne, water resources manager for the City of Roswell. "We also wanted to reduce the volume and velocity of stormwater contributing to stream bank erosion and flooding. Rain gardens are called a 'Best Management Practice, or BMP,' in our line of work because they address all those concerns quite effectively. Rain gardens mimic the natural absorption and pollutant removal that happens in a forest, meadow, prairie or other natural area. They're a low-tech, effective, sustainable, and aesthetically beautiful way to safeguard our waterways."

Four rain gardens have been created throughout the park: at the entrance road parking lot; pedestrian path near the turf ball field; and at the football field parking lot (in two areas). The total project was just under $200,000, which included a partial grant from the federal government for 55 percent of the cost.

Roswell's Water Resources Division will continue to monitor downstream of Roswell Area Park and compare new data to previous data. In addition, rain gardens will be incorporated into future City projects wherever appropriate.